Recently, the doctor of the lawsuit, inpatient doctor at Quoc Thai Hospital, Taiwan (China) shared about the case of a female patient (46 years old).Eat less healthy for a long time.
The female patient shared that she only eats red meat, does not eat other foods for a long time to "supplement the body's protein", helping to "increase muscle, reduce fat effectively".In this time, the patient gained weight. Therefore, the patient decided to go to the hospital to ask the doctor.
At the hospital, Dr. Tieu Giao sued patients to perform a number of tests to review the body indicators.The results showed that the patient had high blood fat index, high uric acid index, the patient's kidneys with mild impaired function.
Dr. Tieu said that if the patient continues to maintain a diet high in red meat, and not detect and treat the above health problems early, the condition of renal failure can progress seriously.
How does red meat affect kidney health?
Dr. Tieu said that eating too much red meat can be harmful to kidney health.Specifically, red meat contains quite high purine content, which is easy to increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood if you eat too much.When the amount of uric acid in the blood is too high, it can crystallize into urate crystals and deposit in the kidneys, causing kidney stones, damaging the tissue in the kidneys, forming fibrous organizations and gradually leading to kidney failure.
In addition, red meat is high in protein, beneficial for health if eaten in sufficient amount.However, the protein in red meat after loading into the body will be decomposed and release urea into the blood, the kidneys will filter urea from blood and excrete through the urine.If consuming a large amount of protein in red meat but eating less fruits and vegetables can cause increased blood urea.At this time, the kidneys must increase work to excrete and remove excess substances from the body.This condition can cause impaired renal function.
According to the doctor, saturated fat and cholesterol in red meat can cause increased blood fat, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.Cardiovascular disease can cause blood vessels to bloody kidneys or blockage, causing anemia to the kidneys and reducing kidney function.
Dr. Tieu also quoted a study published in the magazine of the American Kidney Association.Specifically, research on 63,257 people showed that high -level red meat consumers are 40% higher than those who eat less red meat.
Doctor's advice
Dr. Tieu said that the consumption of protein is important for health but people should pay attention to the appropriate protein source.For example, instead of consuming protein in red meat, people can consume protein from beans.The reduction of red meat consumption is especially beneficial for blood vessels and kidney health.
In the case of the female patient mentioned above, the doctor proposed that she should switch to using plant protein sources.After about 1 month of changing the diet, the patient lost 6kg.When the patient was re -examined, the doctor also discovered the blood fat index, the patient's uric acid index decreased.The patient's renal function also recovers as usual.
Through the case of this patient, Dr. Tieu also recommends that people should build a healthy diet, do not eat any food because it can be harmful to health.