To protect the stomach, eating seven or eight parts is enough to benefit the stomach and intestines rather than eating full.Especially for those who have weak digestion, eat but not too full is the principle of diet for health care.However, if you eat whatever you eat, do not eat the following 5 foods because they are not suitable to eat when hungry stomachs can damage the intestines and stomach, irritate the stomach lining or cause blood sugar levelsincrease after meals.
5 foods should not be eaten when hungry
- Tea, coffee, wine
Chinese traditional Chinese medicine doctor Huang Zhongyu said that most teas are cold, whether hot or cold drinks will dilute the gastric juice and reduce digestive function.Among them, theophylline can stimulate stomach acid, causing heart beating, dizziness, weak limbs and hunger.
Coffee is vulnerable to stomach damage, affecting the digestive and absorption process of stomach function.
If you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, it will easily be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, irritating the stomach lining and causing discomfort to the stomach.The most common symptoms are hypoglycemia, dizziness, fast heartbeat, cold sweat ... Severe cases can even lead to coma, shock or death.
- Soy milk, cheese, carbonated drinks
Soy milk is rich in protein if you eat starchy foods first and then drink soy milk, it will not be consumed in the form of calories but also has the effect of nourishing the body.However, drinking soy milk when hungry will waste protein, easily causing nutritional imbalance in the body, increasing the burden on the digestive and urinary system.
Although cheese contains lactic acid bacteria, although good for the gastrointestinal tract, it can easily cause discomfort to the digestive tract for those who do not tolerate lactose, so avoid drinking when hungry.
Carbonated drinks are high in citric acid, which accelerate the metabolism of calcium.Long -term drinking easily leads to calcium loss.Cold drinks are easy to irritate the gastrointestinal tract, causing spasms, causing gastrointestinal diseases.
- Food with high glycemic index
Some international studies have shown that eating foods with high glycemic index when hungry, such as refined starch, including white rice, glutinous rice or square bread, will accelerate the speed of increasing the amount of amountBlood sugar, easy to cause hunger and stimulate appetite, and promote food metabolism and produce fat.
- Vegetable juice, lemon juice
Most spicy, cold foods should not be eaten when hungry to avoid excessive irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.Vegetable juice has too many cold ingredients, long -term drinking easily causes a cold stomach cold, severe cases can cause gastritis.
Do not drink lemon juice when hungry.Citric acid will stimulate stomach acid secretion, if the stomach function is not good, it will affect the intestines and the stomach.
- Cold food, fruit rich in pectin and tannins
Fruits rich in pectin and tannins such as pink, tomatoes, oranges ... easily react with stomach acid to form stomach stones, should not be eaten when hungry.
Many people eat bananas at breakfast, but bananas are cold fruits and easily cause abdominal pain, abdominal distention if eaten when hungry.Other cold foods include watermelon, pear ... Do not eat too much when hungry.It can cause indigestion and make people prone to colds and discomfort.
Source and photo: HK01