5 simple ways that science helps turn the belly of the fat into a slim toned, sometimes still floating the abdominal muscle 11
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5 simple ways that science helps turn the belly of the fat into a slim toned, sometimes still floating the abdominal muscle 11

The waistline, toned is one of the goals that women always want to achieve in the processlosing weight.With many girls, the journey to reduce belly fat seems very arduous, obscure but in fact, just follow 5 simple tips that science below,abdominalSuper slender will soon be yours.

1. Avoid food and sugary foods and drinks

Many studies, including the results published on April 20, 2009 by JCI Clinical Research Magazine, pointed out that if it is loaded into the body a large amount of sugar, fat will be stored in the region.Your abdomen and liver.

Sugar is made up of glucose and fructose.When you eat a lot of sugar, the liver will be overloaded by fructose and convert fructose into fat.Besides, eating a lot of sugar will stimulate the feeling of wanting to load more calories into the body, making you eat more.

And all is the reason, reducing sugar, even cutting sweets from the diet will help a lot in reducing belly fat.

2. Eat a lot of protein containing

Protein not only supports you to lose weight, burn belly fat but also help prevent the prospect of gaining weight again.

According to the research published on July 1, 2005 by the American Clinical Nutrition Magazine: Protein will reduce about 60% of cravings, promote metabolism for the body to burn about 80- 100 calories/day, help you eat less about 441 calories/day.

According to the research published by Biomed Central - a company specializing in publishing scientific journals: Those who eat more protein will be less likely to have abdominal fat than those who load the body with less protein.

In short, the protein really works to reduce the size of the waistline.Some abundant, quality protein sources that you can find include: eggs, fish, beans, nuts and dairy preparations, such as Greek yogurt are an example.

3. Eat less carbohydrate storage

The study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information has shown that: When comparing a low -carb and low -fat diet, the "poor" carbohydrate diet helps minimize excess fat in the abdomen, around the internal and internal.Organs and liver are much more effective.

Carbohydrates you should limit: Sugar drinks, white bread, white rice, cakes, biscuits, candy, chocolate and potatoes.

4. Eat foods rich in fiber

Fiber will help you feel full for a long time, while reducing cravings.Most fiber -rich foods contain low calories, such as fruits and vegetables, so it does not make you gain weight, but also helps your waist to hunt quickly.Besides vegetables, good beanswhole cereal branIt is also a good source of fiber for the body.

5. Don't forget to exercise

Combining both diet and sports exercise will help promote the speed of weight loss in general and collapse the waistline in particular.Some subjects you should practice include: lifting weights orCardioHelp burn the body fat;Or exercises such as walking, running, swimming ... will also help focus on reducing belly fat effectively.

Source: Healthline


Source: 5 simple ways that science helps turn the belly of the fat into a slim toned, sometimes still floating the abdominal muscle 11
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