Following the images on Ha Tang's personal page, it is easy to see that she is extremely interested in eating and drinking to maintain her physique.Ha Tang's dishes are not only delicious, beautiful but also rich in nutrition, good for health and effective shape.Here are 6 love dishes that Ha Tang loves, all the simple dishes that anyone can learn.
1. Seed milk
Ha Tang loves seed milk and often wakes up early to make himself and his family.She often uses almond milk or cashew milk.Seed milk contains low calories and fat, which helps to support strong bone weight loss.In addition, almond milk is rich in vitamin E to help prevent oxidation, beautify the skin.These are great milk used by many dieters instead of conventional animal milk.
2. Avocado
Ha Tang herself admitted that she was extremely loving butter and this was also something that often appeared in her menu.Butter is rich in vitamins, minerals and rich in natural fat without monounsaturacy.Eating avocado will create a feeling of fullness, helping to lose weight effectively and you limit your appetite, while helping the diet even more balanced and healthy.
3. Oats
For days of being afraid of sophisticated cooking, you should learn Ha Tang to eat oatmeal.Just mix a little oats with milk and leave overnight, the next morning can add a little fruit and you have a delicious, fast meal good for health.
4. Boiled eggs
In boiled eggs contain a lot of protein that feels full longer, limiting appetite effectively but still full of energy for long days of operation.Ha Tang can eat boiled eggs with butter or eggs with bread.
5. Chia seeds
Chia seeds have high source of omega-3 fatty acids, low sodium content that protein, fat, fiber and antioxidants are high, so it is good for the body and physique.The use of chia seeds also creates a feeling of fullness and limit snacking.In everyday dishes, Ha Tang often sprinkled with a little more chia seeds to increase the efficiency of keeping in shape.
6. Bread whole bran
With whole bread, Ha Tang often favored black bread instead of conventional white bread.Bread bread contains less than 25% protein and a lot of fiber creates a feeling of fullness and fullness.Normally, Ha Tang eats 2 slices of bread with a little butter, banana or 1 egg to be full for a long time while ensuring the effectiveness of weight loss, keeping in shape.