Coach Yen Xuan instructed 3 movements to help women have a slim back, dressed in charming clothes not inferior to Vbiz female stars
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Coach Yen Xuan instructed 3 movements to help women have a slim back, dressed in charming clothes not inferior to Vbiz female stars

If the first round is hard to expand with the exercises, the back is different, you absolutely can get a slender back with a curve with basic training.Summer comes, self -deprecating with the first round, you can switch to showing the back of the bee back through sexy skirt designs.Especially in the summer trips, the bare dresses help you seduce sexy in a mysterious way.

Want to have a soft bare shoulder or a bee back like the beautiful Vbiz beautiful people, what you need to work hard every day.Do not sweat as hot as many other movements, the exercises that coach Yen Xuan introduced below not only help you get the slender back as desired but also extremely good for the spine, especially for the girls.The office is sitting at a paper table all day and sedentary.

Coach Yen Xuan.

Activity 1: Butterflies (Butterflies)

* Prepare: Lying face down on the carpet, forehead and nose touching the carpet, hands wide open to the horizontal, toe and stretched down the carpet.

* Perform:

- Rhythm 1 lift the body.Rhythm 2 lifts two hands counting 3 times.Rhythm 3 back to the old position.

- Perform 12 reps x 3 sets

Pay attention to use the back muscles to lift people.When lifting the eye to look straight, hold the neck and head straight, the eyes look straight to the spine near the neck without fatigue.Before lifting people, take a deep breath to get momentum.This movement directly affects the lower back muscles to help the lower back to create the back curve, and the shoulders are also slimmer thanks to the butterfly wing.

Butterfly movements.

2nd movement: Swimming (swimmer)

* Prepare: Lie on your stomach and chest down the carpet, your hands stretched out in front of you.Stretch the toes.

* Perform:

- Take a deep breath, breathe evenly and start practicing.

- Rhythm 1 lift people.Rhythm 2 put your hands back.Rhythm 3 back to the old position.This movement is a bit similar to the way of swimming that many people know.

- Perform 12 reps x 3 sets.

This movement in addition to the back of the back muscles also helps the shoulder slimmer thanks to the arm movement.The abdominal pressure down and the back muscles lift the leg and chest up also help the impact on the waist, helping the waist slimmer.

Swimming movements.

Step 3: Snake Crawling (Snake Crawling)

* Prepare:Still lying on your stomach, the forehead touches the carpet, straighten the nose and arms facing forward close to the ear.

* Perform:

- Take a deep breath and start practicing.

- The elbow is perpendicular to shoulder.Rhythm 1 lifted people, beat 2 to the left, in the middle.Rhythm 3 brought the body to the right, in the middle.

In addition to the direct impact on the back area, creating hollows and back grooves, this movement also has an advantage.It is to create a waistline for bread waistes or straight through the rhythm of lifting and turning left - right.

The cobra crawling movement.

Source: Coach Yen Xuan

Source: Coach Yen Xuan instructed 3 movements to help women have a slim back, dressed in charming clothes not inferior to Vbiz female stars
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