In the famous Japanese TV show - Star ☆ Draft (スター ☆ ドラフト会議), the Qigong master Dinh Tri Hong introduced a method of reducing the 2 -round fat based on cat motion.
This is an exercise that not only stimulates the adrenal glands to produce hormones but also activates hormones to reduce up to 4kg and minimize 10cm waistline after only 1 month.By maintaining this method, your belly fat will gradually disappear without having to apply miserable diets.
In fact, this is a familiar yoga exercise called Cat Pose.When performing this position, your body will bend like a cat with a tight abdomen, the back muscles are stretched, the spine is straightened, so it increases the effect of burning excess fat in the second round.
In addition to bringing weight loss effect, the cat's posture also helps you relieve stress, promote the digestive system more smoothly, reduce the pain in the back and spine area.
Now let's see how to do this cat position!
Step 1:First, you resist 2 hands and two legs down the floor, your legs hold at the distance of 2 hands, arms placed parallel to the floor.
Step 2:While inhaling, you push your back, stomach, bring your chin toward your chest in a bow position and hold your breath for about 9 seconds.
Step 3:Then, you exhale and slide your hand slowly to the front, stretching your chest close to the ground.Hold your breath and hold this position for about 9 seconds.
When done, try to smoothly step by step.Repeat about 10 times/day on the time before going to bed and you will see that the second round is improved after only 1 month.
Source (Source): Girlstyle, Ameblo JP