Licorice supports the digestive system
Licorice is not only a familiar herb with a sweet taste, but also an effective "assistant" for the health of the digestive system.Licorice helps to soothe the stomach, reduces flatulence, heartburn, abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms related to the digestive system.
The active ingredients in licorice, especially glycyrrhizin, have strong anti -inflammatory effects.This helps support the treatment and prevention of peptic ulcer, while promoting the healing process.Licorice stimulates the production of mucus in the stomach, forming a natural protective film, helping to prevent the effects of stomach acid and other harmful agents.
Premiums are very available in Vietnam, bringing many unexpected health benefits.Photo: Shutter Stock
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Increase the immune system
Licorice is a rich source of antioxidants, including flavonoids, glycyrrhizin and glabridin.These compounds act as "warriors" to protect cells from the attack of free radicals - unstable molecules that can cause cell damage and DNA, leading to premature aging and many diseases.chronic.By neutralizing free radicals, antioxidants in licorice help strengthen resistance, protect the body from pathogens.
Glycyrrhizin, one of the main components of licorice, has been shown to be antibacterial against many pathogenic bacteria, including H.pylori bacteria - the main cause of stomach ulcers.In addition, licorice flavonoids also have antiviral effects, which help prevent and minimize the risk of viral infections.Thanks to these characteristics, licorice not only enhances resistance but also helps prevent and treat infections effectively.
Support for treatment of some respiratory diseases
The active ingredients in licorice have the ability to dilute mucus in the respiratory tract, making it easy to expel phlegm out, thereby reducing cough effectively.This is especially useful in cases of colds, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases that cause cough and sputum.
Licorice contains strong anti -inflammatory compounds that help soothe irritation and inflammation in the throat.This helps relieve burning, discomfort and support the treatment of sore throat.Studies have shown that licorice can help reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks, improve lung function and reduce airway inflammation.
Using licorice can support the treatment of a number of respiratory diseases.Photo: Getty Images
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Clear heat, detoxify
According to traditional medicine, licorice has a cool, sweet taste, helps to clear the body heat, eliminates hot symptoms such as fever, thirst, rash, pimples.Licorice has a mild diuretic effect, helps increase the elimination of toxins through the urinary tract, cleanses the body and reduces the risk of diseases related to toxin accumulation.
Liver protection
Glycyrrhizin in licorice has the ability to protect the liver, enhance liver function, help the liver to detoxify more effectively.When the liver works well, the toxins in the body are metabolized and excreted, helping the body to cool and healthy.Glycyrrhizin also has an antioxidant effect, which helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.This helps prevent chronic diseases and slow down the aging process.
Although licorice brings many health benefits, it should not be abused.Using too many licorice can cause a number of side effects such as hypertension, water retention and electrolyte imbalance.Consult your doctor before using licorice, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or other health problems.