When craving for snacks, women should use 5 dishes with the amount of calories "yes but not", eat a lot without fat and lose weight
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When craving for snacks, women should use 5 dishes with the amount of calories "yes but not", eat a lot without fat and lose weight

Besides the main meals, everyone likes snacking every day, especially office workers and young people.According to Julie Upton, the founding expert of Appetite for Health (USA), this is a useful habit for the body because it not only helps you supplement vitamins and minerals, but also reduces the cravings.Like preventing you from eating too much at the next meal.

However, not all snacks are good for health, even harm and increase the risk of obesity, accelerate the aging process.In the afternoons, most people are hungry and tired, so the need for snacks increases, making it easy for you to choose dishes that are not beneficial to health.

Snacking should also choose good for health to lose weight.

Right now, Julie experts recommend eating 5 dishes later because they have extremely low calories.These dishes can be eaten a bit without fear of obesity, which are classified as a group of low calorie snacks.Not to mention if knowing how to use still promote the weight loss process:

Low -calorie snacks help lose weight

1. Bell peppers

According to experts, this is a low -calorie fruit but extremely nutritious.A average bell peppy contains about 30-40 calories, depending on the size.When eating, it will create a feeling of fullness due to the high content of water and fiber (about 92% of the weight is water).

Not only few calories, bell peppers also contain rich nutritional content, especially vitamin C 2-3 times higher than oranges.Vitamin C plays an important role in strengthening the immune system, supporting collagen production, helping skin elastic, shiny and wrinkled.

Bell peppers are very few calories and rich in water, fiber should be extremely good for health.

In addition, bell peppers are abundant vitamin A and carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin ... protect the eyes from damage from blue light and reduce the risk of degeneration of gold spots.Other antioxidants in bell peppers such as flavonoids and polyphenols help the body fight free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process.

2. Mushrooms

On average, 100g of mushrooms only provide about 20-30 calories, making them the perfect choice for diets or weight loss.Not only helps control energy, mushrooms also contain abundant fiber, helps create a sense of fullness, supports the digestive system to operate effectively and stabilize blood sugar.

For beauty, mushrooms have notable benefits in improving skin and hair.Selenium and vitamin D content in mushrooms help reduce dermatitis, prevent acne, promote skin regeneration, bring healthy, smooth skin.In addition, the antioxidants in mushrooms help protect the skin from the effects of free radicals.

Vitamin D in mushrooms helps reduce dermatitis, prevent acne and promote skin regeneration.

In addition, mushrooms are also a source of selenium, an antioxidant that helps protect cells from lesions, supports healthy immune systems.In particular, mushrooms contain ergothioneine - a special compound with anti -inflammatory and anti -aging, very good for comprehensive health.

3. Strawberries

Strawberries are a famous fruit with extremely low calories, only 32 calories for 100g but provide many important nutrients.Thanks to the high water content, strawberries help the body feel full and control the amount of calories, very suitable for those who are dieting or want to keep in shape.

Not only good for health, strawberries also bring great benefits to beauty.For the skin, the antioxidants in strawberries help lighten the skin, fade dark spots and reduce the risk of wrinkles.The vitamin C in strawberries also supports acne scars and protects the skin from harmful effects from the sun.

Thanks to the high water content, strawberries help the body feel full and control the amount of calories.

Strawberries are also easy to combine diets.You can eat directly, add yogurt, smoothie, or use as ingredients in salads.The natural sweet taste of strawberries not only increases the flavor of the dish but also brings a fresh feeling.

4. Carrots

Thanks to the high fiber and water content accounting for about 88%, carrots help create a feeling of fullness, support the weight loss process without increasing the amount of calories.According to experts, the calorie amount of carrots only ranges from 41 calories over 100g.

The nutritional composition of carrots is very rich, especially outstanding with beta-carotene, a compound converted into vitamin A in the body.Vitamin A plays an important role in improving vision, preventing eye diseases such as dry eyes, degeneration of gold and night blindness.

Vitamin A in carrots also supports skin cell regeneration, wrinkles and enhances elasticity, helps the skin to be more shiny.In addition, carrots have anti -inflammatory properties, help reduce acne and soothe irritated skin.For hair, the nutrients in carrots like biotin and vitamin E promote hair growth.

Carrots have anti -inflammatory properties, help reduce acne and soothe irritated skin.

5. Kale

Thanks to the high water content and high in fiber, kale not only helps the body feel full for a long time but also supports digestion, promoting metabolism.In addition, vitamin K plays an important role in supporting blood clotting and enhancing bone health.

Thanks to powerful antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin ... kale helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, slows down the aging process and reduces wrinkles.Vitamin C in kale not only brightens the skin but also reduces dark pigmentation, promotes the process of regenerating skin cells, helping the skin to be shiny and even more color.

Besides, kale also contains large amounts of vitamin A, essential for eye and skin health.Vitamin C also enhances the immune system, promotes collagen production to maintain skin elasticity and firmness.

Kale helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals.

According to Eatthis, Healthline

Source: When craving for snacks, women should use 5 dishes with the amount of calories "yes but not", eat a lot without fat and lose weight
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