Imported fruits used to be considered "luxury", only appearing at high -end stores with expensive prices and spending pcho those who have high income, want to enjoy or offer.
But now, just need to go to popular stores, people's markets, or even through online sales channels, consumers can easily access fruits imported from the US, Australia, and Korea... This richness makes the market exciting but also full of imported, making it difficult for buyers to know the true quality of each product.
When Vietnamese people are "crazy" of imported fruits
Imported fruits are sold diverse, many cheeks with the price is not too expensive
Ms. Thu Linh (a consumer in Thanh Xuan, Hanoi) said: "I did not dare to buy fruit without labels for fear of chemicals.Although the fruits with Australian or New Zealand imported longan are not completely sure of their origin, it still feels more delicious and luxurious, but the price is not too high. "
The case of Ms. Linh reflects the psychology of many consumers today, which is considered imported fruits as a safer and more luxurious choice.
Apples, grapes, and pears are the most appearing fruits on online markets with unbelievable cheap prices.On some Facebook pages specializing in selling imported fruits, the price of American green grapes is only about 175,000 VND/kg;South African apples are sold for only 75,000 VND/kg - much lower than the official stores or supermarkets.
While in Korea, milk grapes cost from 300,000 - 500,000 VND/cluster, in Vietnam, some stores sell at less than 100,000 VND/kg, even some places sell 60-80,000 VND/kg.
The price difference makes many buyers unable to doubt the quality and origin of these products.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duy Thinh (Institute of Biotechnology and Food Technology - Hanoi University of Technology), said: "If the import stage is not thoroughly controlled, imported fruits can carry toxic chemicals.Currently, the management of stamps is still loose, so people need to know how to protect their health.Quality imported fruits must have stamps and barcodes for traceability;If there is only normal stamps, consumers need to consider carefully. "
In addition, some imported fruits when returning to Vietnam are also soaked in preserving to keep the freshness during transportation.This can affect consumer health if not controlled properly.
A long -time living in Korea said that the fruit is picked here very safely, but traders who come back often require soaked fruit through preservatives to ensure the fruit is not damaged when moving.distant.
Imported fruit is not necessarily safe and suitable
Talking about imported fruits, Dr. Dang Ngoc Hung (Research and Nutrition Consulting Institute) said: Imported fruits are not necessarily good and suitable with domestic fruits.
The expert said: "Many people prefer to eat imported fruits because they think they will be more delicious, nutritious and more beneficial than fruits in the country. However, the reality is not necessarily like that.
New domestic fruits are really suitable for the health and physical condition of Vietnamese people, because any plants will nourish animals in that ecosystem in the best way, including humans.
Even imported fruits have a higher nutritional content than local fruits, but that content exceeds the level that a person needs.
At the same time, imported fruits are often harvested in season and then transport for a long time, while our fruit is grown in the local season, not going through the harsh storage stage, so it will keep the freshest freshness.maybe".
A typical example is Vietnamese apple and apple.According to the nutritional composition table of the National Nutrition Institute, Vietnamese apples have a higher higher content of calcium and vitamin C compared to Western apples.
"Imported fruit is also a good source of nutrition to supplement a variety of taste, but do not ignore the internal fruit",Doctor Dang Ngoc Hung reminded.
Nutrition experts recommend consumers to prioritize domestic fruits, in the right season and clear origin.If you buy imported fruits, choose a product with a full label and a clear barcode to avoid buying poor quality goods.